Category: Video

  • Interview Tips for MBAs

    It’s May and people are graduating, which means sacrificing the first of many summers to an air conditioned office. That is, if you have a job lined up. If you aren’t, you could benefit from these interview tips.

    In case you thought group projects and the inevitable videos died in middle school high school college, my brother Brian is here with classmates (colleagues?) from the Kenan-Flager Business School at UNC Chapel Hill.

    Some humorous parts in here. Skip to the 6 minute mark for Brian, or, like all good videos, skip to the very end for a montage.

    For more fun, check out Brian’s former attempts at becoming an online video celebrity.

  • …it’s back

    thanks to BD for the initial pass-on and Phil for finding it again

  • No love for Napoleon

    The TV commercial version of the trailer for the new Will Ferrell / Napoleon Dynamite Guy movie humored me, although not in the “two guys figure skating together” sense the producers intended.  No, what strikes me is the long awkward silence they left in after Will Ferrell’s top billing.

    I just hope this will continue to entertain me the next 350 times I see this trailer.

    …and already eating my words, there are a few funny parts in the full version of the trailer (and Jon Heder gets billed):

  • Wake Up Barry

    The trailer for season two of Matthew T. Richissin’s tv show, Wake Up Barry, featuring Mike “I’ll drive 3 hours to be an extra at a party” Chandler, pictured below in the backwards neon green hat.


  • turtle power

    It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for the TMNT movie…March 2007 once sounded so far away. I passed the time by being a TMNT for Halloween…for the third time in my life. My bo did not make it home.

    I guess in this one the turtles are going to be a bit more Matrix-y/frog-like (yes, Matrix-y is a word).

    I had another great video of a crazy obsessed TMNT woman, but Viacom made Youtube take it down.

  • Disturbing

    OK, I really didn’t mean to have this many videos on this site, but the hits just keep on coming.

    From BD, the most disturbing video you’ll watch today:

    A short list of most entertaining things to look for:
    -sets that closely resemble a 15 year old’s bedroom
    -overuse of the number ’69’
    -cop doing it in his patrol car while bored on duty
    -uh, the mastur-dance?
    -that heavy panting in the chorus
    -the slightly pixelated faces
    -the token use of female extras
    -the outlandishly large phone and amex card props, as if the video weren’t ridiculous enough yet
    -early prediction of porn on computers

  • They’re coming to America (today)

    Well after an evening alone in Jeff’s apartment with only The Office and Neil Diamond’s Christmas Album (best Jewish-produced xmas album of all time, btw) to keep me company (could have been a lot worse, as I was locked out until a girl named Pearl made some calls for me), I’m heading home tomorrow (ideally before my bank account actually hits zero).

    Pictures to come shortly, but I thought I’d start you off with a great video clip of a German kid we met who turned out to be the world’s #1 Toto superfan. Watch as he professes how he loves the band as sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti.